We found a way to reduce ocean waste and ghost fishing by creating a product with a higher value from discarded fishnets. Together with experts and lab, we are giving plastic trash a new life and turning it into a premium product.

We strongly believe that product design, use, disassembly and reassembly are our duty and one of the greatest challenge of our time; and the foundation of the circular economy. It should be a common 21st century approach thinking about our futures and the one our children will inherit.


We believe that consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious and expect ecologically friendly materials, a conservation- minded use of resources, reduced emission of pollutants and greater social commitment.

The spirit of Sea2see is to create a global consciousness with regards to the issue of sea contamination through a stylish, hip product that is seen and that anybody can wear with pride.
Our customers are people who think differently and who are proud to wear a statement of change.

SEA2SEE was started by François van den Abeele,
a father and entrepreneur
with deep passion for oceans and nature, convinced
that around the globe consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious, that they expect ecologically friendly materials, a conservation-minded use of resources, reduced emission of pollutants and greater social commitment.